The Denial of Peter is part of a series of modern interpretations of Biblical stories or events. In Matthew 26, Peter is told by Christ, “This very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.” Although Peter says he will lay down his life for Jesus, he does not understand the pressure and fear that will soon be upon him.

In meditation of the story, the artist brings the image into a contemporary light and asks the question, "In our age of conformity, faced with protest, scrutiny or even physical violence, how much would one endure for love or personal beliefs?“

The artist responsible for the image of Christ on the wall is trying very hard to blend in, but it is clear that he is not one of them. In this depiction, Peter is an artist unable to face the scrutiny of his work and his relationship with Christ. When faced with pressure and ridicule, he denies it is he who is the creator of this “controversial” work.

Further inspection reveals messages not only in the environment but in the portrayal of the human forms. The crowd is depicted as an almost solid black mass; their bodies are meshed together blurring the lines of their individuality. The very thing in which they believe is being repressed by the image on the wall. Their distorted faces remain clear to remind us of the ugliness of conformity against our heart’s true identity.
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